Serving schools makes sense.
Partnering with a school is a powerful way to invest in a community. When churches, businesses, and non-profits collaborate with schools, incredible relationships are built and long-term sustainable initiatives take place that can change the landscape of an entire community.
The Child.
A child's educational outcomes, future employment opportunities, and even their life expectancy are directly connected to the zip code they are raised in and the schools they attend.
The Teacher.
By serving the teacher (sending encouraging notes, giving gift cards, etc), the teacher is encouraged to continue investing in the youth of the community, even if he/she teaches in the hardest school.
The Community.
One of the simplest ways to help address the community's drug abuse problem, dropout rate, teen suicide epidemic, sex trafficking issue, and poverty rate is to invest in local schools. By investing in the individual child and encouraging parent engagement, you can combat a city's problems before they begin.